Friday, March 6, 2009

Life Has "Bit Me in the Bum".....

For those who don't know, my wonderful husband, Bernie has recently been diagnosed with a very aggressive Cancer. The inital shock was just awful, and it was a couple of weeks before I could even talk about it openly, it was like I was just visiting someone elses life for a while. Anyway, after a zillion tests in hospital, and after a proper diagnosis, we are now getting our strength back to fight this thing.

I have had so many wonderful messages from other bear artists and collectors, and requests for me to keep people up-to-date with how Bernie's treatment is going, that I thought I would make it a part of my blog. From the scariness of the inital diagnosis and description of treatment, I have come to realise that the more you "accept" what is in front of you, and the more "open" you are about it, the easier it is to deal with. I knew very little about current treatments for Cancer, and so it all came as such a shock and such a learning curve. I thought if I touch on a few things here, it might be of use to someone else who knew as little as I did of treatments and such.

Bernie is such a strong, proud man and is facing all this with such courage and dignity, after all our years of marriage, I am still learning so much from him.


lapousmor said...

Christine, I am there with you.
Like you, the more i learn about what my brothe is going through, the more reasured i feel. like your hubby, he is very strong and brave. Now I learnt he is in a very good hematology service, looked after by the best doctors, i do feel better. He will begin chemo in a few days. He is under cortisone treatment and two days ago had a bone marrow sampling plus some chemo treatment injected in his bone marrow to protect his nervous system. whenI had him on the phone he looked so confident and quiet... I will have to be tested for bone marrow compatibility (need a blood test for HLA grouping). One chance out of four. So fingers crossed.
Sending you and your hubby lots of hugs...

All Bear by Paula said...

Christine, I had no idea of the challenges you and your family have been working through. Warmest hugs to you all x