Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Update on My Husband

My dear husband Bernie came home from hospital on the weekend after his third round of chemotherapy. It is such a strong regime of chemo that he needs to be in hospital for one week for each cycle. It is very taxing and exhausting for him, and it is quite incredible the amount of medicines that are pumped into his body in the hope of taming this awful disease. He has slept for most of the time he has been home this time, and we have been told that this is due to the cumulative effect of each cycle of chemo. He has not had to deal with nausea thank goodness as the drugs they give him for this work so well. His biggest problem is his mouth. His taste buds have been completely altered with the chemicals, and things he normally loves, he can't stand the taste of. Meals that are normally his favourites, I cook for him and he can't stand the flavour. Now it could be my cooking, but I am still blaming the chemo!!

He will be back into hospital the week after next for round four of chemo treatment. After round four the Specialist will do a full scan to see how the disease is being affected by the Chemo treatment. That is going to be a very anxious time. Thanks to everyone for your continued good wishes and prayers for us. You are all angels. xxxxx Christine. xxxxxx


Brush Creek Needlework said...

I noticed you recently joined my blog. I've also joined yours. Your bears are absolutely beautiful! You are a true artist. I'll be checking your blog and website often! We will be praying for you and your husband. Take care, Jenny

Tammy said...

Dear Christine, I will pray for your husband , you and your daughter. It is a hard time for all of you I'm sure. I watched my father-in-law go through these strong cancer treatments last year, now he is in remission and looks like himself again. The treatments seem hard on the body at the time, but can do miraculous things. Hang in there , I hope Bernie feels better soon and that the scan shows favorable results.

Hugs, Tammy

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Christine,

Have been thinking of you lots and wondering how your family are.
My prayers are with you and your husband and daughter.

You must be going through a tough time and I hope that Bernie will be on the road to recovery.


lapousmor said...

Already three rounds of chemo? Oh my!
My brother is getting ready for his second one...
I really hope all will keep going well for Bernie.
How does he deal with him being so tired all the time? I know my brother was feeling quite frustrated about it. Back home after his first round of chemo, he quickly felt better and could go out and enjoy time with friends, colleagues and family. But this was only for one week... He will re-enter at the hospital on tuesday, again in a sterile room, for round two.
Feel free to e-mail me if you want to talk.
Hugs. Sophie.

The Real Mr Brown said...

thoughts and prayers with you, your husband and your family.
Love Matthew